Wednesday, April 4, 2012

for the girls

for the little girls
who paint their faces
like army men and 
role around in the dirt
the girls who play with 
match box cars on the 
side of a hill, making
tracks of adventure
forever imprinted on 
your bold
get dirty and play hard
dream big of your greatness
and never, ever let anyone
squash you goals little girl
because they will try, oh 
how they will try, people
will try to tell you not
to get dirty and what 
things you should or
should not like, but
don’t ever let them 
break your spirit 
for adventure, grow
grow up to be bold
and beautiful and
let yourself be
the girl on the 
playground with 
scrapped knees
and messy hair 
because someday
it will all be worth it

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